Lila, a character in a children's story book, suddenly falls out of her paper world and ends up trapped in a place she doesn't belong - And so starts this great adventure where Lila discovers that the only person who can save her is Ramon, the owner of the book who hasn't read it for many years - But it's not going to be easy; Ramon is no longer the little boy he was, he has grown up and has not only stopped reading, but has also stopped believing in fantasy. Lila and her new friend Manuela set out to convince him of what's happening and together they face a dangerous journey to the Desert of Lost Memories, to retrieve Lila's lost book. In this adventure through magical worlds, children will explore and discover the true value of friendship and the power of fantasy.
小野大辅,神谷浩史,三石琴乃,林原惠美,立木文彦,高山南,山崎和佳奈,小山力也,池田秀一,一城美由希,梁田清之,土师孝也,松井菜樱子,关根明良,飞田展男,井上和彦,山口胜平,绪方贤一,岩居由希子,高木涉,大谷育江,土田大,下地紫野,千叶繁,种崎敦美,古川慎,井上喜久子,古谷彻,泽村一树,乃村健次,置鲇龙太郎,茶风林,诹访部顺一,村濑步,木下浩之,泽木郁也,平野文,Toriumi Katsumi,玉川纱己子,小山茉美,堀之纪,汤屋敦子,金光宣明,宫原永海,岸野幸正,泽田敏子,藤原泰浩,冈井克升